there is light at the end of this tunnel
the history of the tunnel goes back to 1896 when a prospector found a small amount of gold and then it was sold to an Englishman and he brought 60 men out to dig into the hill and it ended up going right though to the other side for on gold at all, hence the name Jokers Tunnel.
the other end
on the road from the tunnel to our camp
Red capped Robin
London Bridge a rock formation near where we camped
The old state battery near Sandstone
An old well on the Sandstone road
After three nights its time to move on so its of to Leonora via the old Agnew road. What a fantastic trip checking out all the history. We found it so amazing that some of these old towns had four or five pubs and even sometimes a brewery. It makes me wonder if our grand children or there children will go to places like Mt Newman Tom Price etc and find them as ghost towns in the future. On arriving at Leonora we drove out to Malcolm Dam on the recommendation of Fozzie and found it lived up to his standard, Great spot.
Malcolm Dam thanks Fozzie
Malcolm dam was only a one night stop then it was of to another dam called Niagara which is near a living ghost town named Kookynie. We set up camp at the dam and met some really nice people John and Delores and there daughter Bri who where also traveling with Russell.John was a prospector as well and he took Geoff out for the afternoon to give him a few pointers, They didn't have any luck but Geoff seems to be getting the hang of it. While Geoff was gone I had a great day doing not very much a little walk,a little cooking, and a lot of reading over a glass of red because it was bloody cold.
An old wreck at Kookynie
Niagara dam was built in 1897 to provide water for the near by town of Kookynie, but it was never used as the mines at Kookynie had a lot more water than the town and the steam engines and the mines could use. It was also the reason for the minds closure as they could not keep the water out.
Good read, another area for the list to do. [When it's not raining]